Three Things the Holy Spirit Does
August 3, 2022
Sorrow Transformed to Joy
August 15, 2022
Three Things the Holy Spirit Does
August 3, 2022
Sorrow Transformed to Joy
August 15, 2022

Biblical World View vs. Secular World View

The world hates us because we expose their sin. Jesus said in (John 15: 22-25) that the world hated him because he had exposed their sin. That has not changed today. It’s not that we go around judging the word; instead, our belief in God’s morality exposes their sin.

Take, for example, the biblical view of abortion and the secular view. Abortion was legalized in this country to help women achieve more social status and live more fulfilling lives. Biblically, pregnancy is not horrible; it is the amazing moment a new life comes into existence. But the secular view is that this is only a potential life and a justifiable homicide if it is not wanted.

Take, for example, the transgender obsession. Those with a secular view consider anyone who questions their views on transgender as transphobic. We have now gotten to the point that you cannot even ask a question about transgender without causing someone to kill themselves.

The implication is that men who used to be women will kill themselves if we don’t affirm all transgender people. Boys who aren’t allowed to compete on girls’ teams will kill themselves if we don’t affirm them. We are told to divest our common-sense, or kids will die. On the contrary, indulging in these gender fantasies is what really puts kids at risk. Easier access to this kind of trans-affirming care — especially without their parents’ consent — is what increases suicide.

The LGBTQ agenda has decided they are not interested in co-existence. Their tyranny has reached ludicrous heights. We have seen the bathrooms, locker rooms, hiring decisions, military policy, health care, and education, and now women’s sports are the new focus. All of which is grinding women’s rights into dust.

Obsession with the Environment is another example of the vast difference between the two world views. The obsession with the environment to the world is a religion. They see the environment as a god to worship. We see the environment as a gift from God for us to administer.

The obsession with race has suddenly and forcefully introduced itself as white supremacy and the oppression of the black race. It is a trick as old as Lenin and Stalin to overthrow our way of life. Their answer to prejudice is to introduce greater prejudice, even justifiable discrimination.

The secular view of free will is that it doesn’t exist. Thus, their position on criminals is lax because they cannot help themselves and should not be held responsible for their actions. The majority supremacy is causing them to be the way they are.

Jesus in John 15:19 told us not to conform to the world’s way of thinking. If we think biblically, we will find our way through this maze of confusion, but we will encounter adversity and maybe even persecution.

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