A Contradictory Christianity
July 29, 2023
A Misinformed Conscience
July 29, 2023
A Contradictory Christianity
July 29, 2023
A Misinformed Conscience
July 29, 2023

Biblical Stewardship

The scriptures have given us biblical stewardship principles that we can live by. The money, resources, and assets belong to the Lord but are given to us to manage for his glory. This is a complex concept for most Christians to comprehend. They think, “This is my money, I worked hard for it, and I intend to spend it the way I want to.” However, that is not how a committed follower of Christ views their money. They see what resources they have as having come from God. Without his blessings, they would not have any of them. Therefore, they are responsible for managing the assets in a way that brings glory to God. If we see our wealth this way, the pride of accomplishment will be gone. We will not brag or be arrogant about what is not ours if we see them that way.

The younger generation struggles to give tithes and offerings. They see what they have as theirs and worry about having enough. When you know what you have is from God—you know God will meet your needs because he has done it many times. One of the greatest joys in life is the joy of giving. Many people never experience this joy because of their unwillingness to let go.

We submit our plans for his approval, praying, “Thy will be done.” Our attitude should be, as James explains, “If the Lord is willing.” Biblical stewardship sees life as a short journey to our eternal home with God. While here, we seek his will and follow his plan.

This biblical mindset also changes how we see our marriage and our children. Our marriage belongs to God, and we need his help to succeed. Without him, we will fail; with his help, he will not let us fail. We also see our children in a different light. We see them as belonging to him and not to us. These children have been loaned to us to raise for the glory of God. We come to understand that God has a plan for each of their lives, and it is our job to seek his guidance for each child.

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