When a Child Feels Loved
June 30, 2023
A Father’s Prayer
July 29, 2023Enough is Enough

This week my wife and I watched the documentary “What is a Woman?” The movie features Matt Walsh, who interviewed many people, always asking, “What is a Woman?” I was struck by the reluctance of many proponents of the transgender movement who refused to answer the question. At a women’s march in D.C., Walsh asked dozens of women, “What is a Woman?” but none would give him an answer. One man who was a professor asked why would you ask the question? Walsh answered because I seek the truth. The professor responded that the word “Truth” made him very uncomfortable. If you continue using that word, we will end the interview.
When Walsh interviewed a California congressman who is a member of the LGBT community about the discomfort of women having a biological male in their bathroom, he abruptly ended the interview. This was actually what most people did when they got uncomfortable with real questions.
Many puberty blockers and other drugs used on children have not been tested with longitudinal studies. That in itself is outrageous! We all know that some men and women claim the opposite gender, even though men have XY chromosomes and women have XX chromosomes that cannot be changed. This fight is about something more important than that—our children. If an adult wants to change their gender–that’s their choice, but to indoctrinate and pressure kids to change by using gender affirmation is child abuse!
We all know that children and adolescents have temporary ideas that change with time. They believe in Santa Claus; they think they are omnipotent, but with time those ideas change. To change the biology of a boy or girl based on a whim fed by gender-affirming indoctrination is criminal.
It’s time for all of us to say, “Enough is Enough! Leave the kids alone” I don’t care if it’s our schools, medical people, government officials, or cultural icons. We have to take a stand to protect the kids! The documentary ends with Walsh asking his wife, “What is a Woman?” She answers, “A female adult.” That simple answer has stood for thousands of years, but suddenly our country doesn’t know what a woman is. This is an attack against biblical morality, the family, and common sense! What we are witnessing is a perversion of truth.