July 25, 2024
Seeing Value Around You
July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024
Seeing Value Around You
July 25, 2024

Fighting for Freedom

In just four months, we all can vote in this country. It is a privilege that most of us take seriously. For good reason, some frightening things in the United States are chipping away at our freedom. There are threats to our right to free speech. Our freedom to own a gun and defend ourselves is at risk. The Biden administration has joined the bureaucratic state with social media to create a form censorship to coerce people to do what the state wants.

The left is obsessed with the transgender movement, and the Biden Administration is fighting to get as many boys and girls to change their gender. In fact, they say that gender is not something we are born with but rather something we choose. This same gender movement is robbing girls and women of the right to compete with only other girls and women. Biological men identifying as women are entering their sports and unfairly winning. Women and girls are being placed at risk in bathrooms and lockers.

Inflation is out of control because of reckless spending. The price of energy is rising constantly because the Biden Administration refuses to use our own fossil fuel. They would instead import it from the Middle East and Venezuela. We have 35 trillion in debt and no concern to address it.

Home sales are plummeting because of sky-high interest rates.

We are on the edge of a world war because of a weak leader. Russia, China, and Iran, with their proxies, are taking advantage of this moment to act when they know there will be no consequences.

The lawfare or weaponizing of our legal system to go after a political opponent is unbelievable. Whether you are a trump supporter or not, this is wrong and obvious to anyone with common sense. The Biden Administration has used the justice system to indict, bankrupt, convict, and jail, eliminating political opponents and conservatives such as those protesting abortion. January 6, people still remain in prison almost four years later.

Biden has circumvented the Supreme Court and handed out billions of dollars dismissing student debt to buy votes. His Administration has allowed somewhere around 10 million illegal migrants to come across our borders. He is giving free health care and other financial support. This border mess has encouraged human smuggling and drugs to flow across the border. Billions are given away in social programs. Under Biden, some people can make enough money to live on, which is tax-free.

Biden has appeased and subsidized Iran, leading to the rise of terrorism in the Middle East. His Administration has refused to deal with crime, which has fueled an increase in crime in our cities. Biden has emasculated the military by changing the standards of promotions to standards of race, gender, and sexual orientation to determine promotion and commendation. It is time to vote for freedom and common-sense values!

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